Narodni Folk DancersBellflower, California |
Map & DirectionsThe Narodni Folk Dancers invite you to join us on Thursday nights at the Woman’s Club of Bellflower, 9402 Oak Street (on the south-east corner of Oak St. and Clark Ave.) in the city of Bellflower. Click here for Google Maps. Free parking is available in the lighted parking lot.
How to Enter the Hall from the Parking Lot: To enter the hall, walk east up the short driveway from Clark Ave. (on the south-west corner of the building), and go through the gate on the left. Note that the main hall entry on Oak St. (the north side of the building) is usually locked. Driving from the west-bound 91 freeway: Exit the freeway at Clark Ave. and turn right (north). Continue north to the intersection of Clark Ave. and Oak St. The Woman’s Club is on the right side of the street (the south-east corner.) Driving from the east-bound 91 freeway: Exit the freeway at Lakewood Blvd. Turn left (north) on Lakewood Blvd., and then turn right (east) on Flower St. Turn left (north) on Clark Ave., and continue north to the intersection of Clark Ave. and Oak St. The Woman’s Club is on the right side of the street (the south-east corner.)